Dumbwaiters Australia has been manufacturing electric dumbwaiter lifts / food elevators for over twenty years; we have seen many types of lifts come and go, but rack and pinion
As Featured on Channels 9’s “Buying Blind”
Rack & Pinion Mechanism
Dumbwaiters or goods/service lifts using the rack & pinion system are considered to be the most reliable lifts in the world today. The highest quality components are used in our range of electric dumbwaiters and goods/service lifts and as a result lateral movement of the lift is virtually non-existent. This precise engineering combined with soft start/stop technology means that a full bowl of soup can be transported from one level to another without spilling a drop. Our dumbwaiters are registered with WorkSafe & comply with Australian Standards 1735-4 & 60204-1:2005